The Best Rollers for Vario 150

If you’re a proud owner of a Vario 150, you know that the quality of rollers affects the performance and efficiency of your motorcycle. Selecting the right set of rollers is a crucial decision. In this article, we’ll help you identify the best rollers for your Vario 150.

Understanding Rollers for Vario 150

Before we dive into the top rollers, let’s define what a roller is and how it impacts your motorcycle’s performance. Rollers are a circular component in your variator that contact the belt. Rollers provide friction and allow the belt to rotate. The weight of the roller helps to determine your bike’s CVT performance.

When you install heavier rollers, you’ll experience a slower take-off and gain speed more smoothly. On the other hand, if you install lighter rollers, you’ll have quicker acceleration and a higher top speed.

Top Rollers for Vario 150

We have analyzed different types of rollers that are compatible with Vario 150 and have come up with the best rollers. Following is a list of our top picks:

1. Dr. Pulley 16×13 Sliding Roller Weights

Dr. Pulley 16×13 Sliding Roller Weights offer a perfect balance of speed and performance. They are easy to install, and the precision cut ensures smooth and stable acceleration from start to finish.

2. Malossi Multivar Roller Weights

Malossi Multivar Roller Weights are a must-have upgrade for any Vario 150. These high-quality rollers are designed to provide maximum performance and efficiency. Malossi Multivar Roller Weights come in various sizes, allowing you to customize your ride for your specific needs.

3. J.Costa High-Speed Variator Rollers

If you want high-speed performance, the J.Costa High-Speed Variator Rollers are the way to go. These rollers are specifically designed for high-performance setups and are the perfect upgrade for racing motorcycles.


Q: How do I know what roller weight to select?

A: The weight of the roller depends on your riding style and personal preference. If you prefer to use your Vario 150 for commuting, you might go for heavier roller weights, while lighter roller weights are best suited for racers.

Q: How often should I change my rollers?

A: Rollers should be replaced around every 12,000 km or every one year, depending on usage.

Q: Can I change the rollers myself?

A: Yes, you can change the rollers yourself with the right tools and equipment. However, if you’re not confident in your abilities, it’s best to take it to a mechanic.


In conclusion, selecting the right roller weights can make a significant difference in your Vario 150’s performance. We have presented our top picks for roller weights to help you make an informed decision. Keep in mind that the weight of the roller depends on your preference and riding style. Always make sure to change your rollers regularly to maintain your motorcycle’s efficiency.

Written by Rizky Pramudya

Rizky Pramudya adalah seorang mekanik sepeda motor dengan pengalaman lebih dari 10 tahun dalam industri ini. Dalam blognya, Rizky berbagi pengetahuan mendalam tentang perawatan dan perbaikan sepeda motor. Ia memberikan tips tentang bagaimana merawat mesin, memilih suku cadang yang tepat, dan melakukan perawatan berkala untuk menjaga performa sepeda motor tetap optimal. Rizky juga menyediakan panduan langkah-demi-langkah untuk perbaikan sederhana yang dapat dilakukan oleh pemilik sepeda motor sendiri. Dengan penekanan pada keahlian teknis, Rizky bertujuan untuk membantu pembaca menjadi lebih mandiri dalam merawat sepeda motor mereka.

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